5 Reasons Incident Response Needs a Weather Station- #4

#4: Plume Modeling Fire departments are frequently tasked with responding when hazardous chemicals are accidentally released into the environment, especially in an inhabited area. Many crucial decisions such as approach, staging, and potential evacuation, rely on accurate, up-to-the minute local weather data. One key tool is toxic PLUME MODELING which combines information about the chemical release with meteorological data overlaid on a map. Weather conditions greatly impact toxic cloud m...

5 Reasons Incident Response Needs a Weather Station- #4
#4: Plume Modeling Fire departments are frequently tasked with responding when hazardous chemicals are accidentally released into the environment, especially in an inhabited area. Many crucial decisions such as approach, staging, and potential evacuation, rely on accurate, up-to-the minute local weather data. One key tool is toxic PLUME MODELING which combines information about the chemical release with meteorological data overlaid on a map. Weather conditions greatly impact toxic cloud m...